In spite of the fact that the State Secretary for Infrastructure did not rule out tax reductions for Madrid airport, the Ministry of Development is preparing a subvention plan for airlines which increase traffic in Spain by the application of discounts to airport charges that will range between 25% and 50%. Thus, Aena to apply subsidies in 2014 too.The measure, which means the biggest incentive within the European air transport market, shall be adopted due to an amendment from the party in the Government to the State Budget Law, which is currently in the parliamentary procedure.The final detail of incentives is…
Tag Archives: Subsidies
New Airport Marketing Strategy in Madrid Airlines,Airports,Charges

Lainformacion published yesterday that AENA is starting an “Airport marketing” strategy to acquire routes and operators in Madrid-Barajas.In the appearance of the State Secretary for Infrastructure, Mr. Rafael Catalá, before the Spanish Congress, he announced that in the coming weeks an Airport Coordination Committee will be constituted with the objective of “working to identify what is going on in Barajas and to alleviate the situation”. In this committee, a possible tax reduction would be analyzed. “We will study new strategy to enhance Madrid as a ‘hub’ and destination” said the number two of Ministry for Development. Mr. Catalá admitted the concern of the Ministry for…
Clarification on the airport fees in the Canaries Charges,Regulations
Please see below our translation from the press release published by Aena yesterday to clarify some doubts on the airport fees in the Canaries: Due to the amount of confusing information published in the media, which has led in some cases to wrong interpretations, Aena would like to clarify the following: The bonus applied to the passengers connecting flights affects to all the Spanish airports, including the Canary ones. This bonus will be increased gradually from the current 20%, becoming 30% in 2014, 35% in 2015 and 40% in 2016 and following. This bonus has nothing to do with the…