Meteorological service to be charged in all flights from Spain

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As we advanced in this blog all amendments referred to the Aena’s charges included in the State Budget were confirmed by the publication in the Official Gazette B.O.E on 26th December 2013. 

It must be stressed that the meteorological service will be charged to all flights operating to the Aena’s airports.

To sum up:

  • With effect 01.03.14 the airport charges will be increased by 0.9 %.
  • The increase will not be applied to the PMR fee which is set in 0.61€ per departure passenger in all the Aena’s airports.
  • The minimum landing and aerodrome charges for the airports of groups IV and V, remain unchanged.
  • The minimum landing and aerodrome charges for airports of group III will be reduced by 10% with effect 01.03.14.
  • With effect 01.03.14, parking fee for the airports included in groups IV and V will be applied by day of parking or period of time higher than two hours according to MTOW.
  • Approach Tax will not suffer any change in 2014.
  • Subsides to the growth in number of passengers by route have been confirmed as per the text published by the Senate that we advanced here. The list with details on airports which are considered as same areas (as per item seven) has not been published so far.