Tag Archives: Lanzarote

UK airlines bet on Menorca, Fuerteventura and Lanzarote for summer 2016 Airlines,Airports,FC Tools

Thomas Cook Airlines taking off in Lanzarote airport by jBarcena - Flickr.

A representative from Menorca’s government, María Sellarés, confirmed the expected traffic increase of the UK airlines in the Balearic Island for the summer of 2016. During the WTM 2015, Jet2.com, Monarch and easyJet announced they have increased the number of seats offered for Menorca for the next summer season. According to Sellarés, the improvements for the island are a consequence of “the strength of the sterling pound, the good trend of our local economy and the increased confidence of consumers. That is not to forget the instability of some Mediterranean destinations that are competitors”. Hence, Hosteltur reported that Jet2.com is committed to increase traffic to…

Gay Airlines will not see the light of day Startups

Gay Airlines logo

Last Friday we were expecting the first Gay Airlines flight in Lanzarote airport. However Canarias7, the same media from which we had learned about the new company informed that Gay airlines will not see the light of day. All trace of the company has now disappeared. The first pink plane was expected to arrive from London on Friday. It was going to be the first step to a new luxury LGBT tourism. The Tía’s town authorities were expected to be at the airport to welcome the new company. Nevertheless, their web site – Gayairlines.eu – is now out of order. Canarias7 found out…

Canary Islands expect strong grows for winter 2014 Airports,FC Tools

Aircraft connected to airbridge at Adolfo Suárez Madrid Barajas airport / daniele paccaloni

According to the data we have just uploaded to our Customized Airport Statistics Canary Islands expect strong grows for winter 2014. If we compare the actual offered seats in winter 2013 with the current offered seats in winter 2014 based on the coordinated slots, we find heavy increases of 15-20% in most of the Canary Islands airports.Canary Islands airports are the most congested Spanish airports for next winter 2014 season. Please find below some highlights. For further information you can go into our application (only for registered clients) and make your own inquires (who operates which route, etcetera).All the figures below refer…

The Canary Islands increase offer to the UK and Germany respectively by over 34% Airports,FC Tools

Photo: Condor aircraft landing at Lanzarote airport

One more season starts and, as usual, we have updated our data base with fresh details, both for the just finished season – winter 2013 – and for the new season which now starts – summer 2014 – for you to be able to use our Airport Statistics web tool. We have also spent some time using this tool and, going through the Canary Islands in particular, reached some conclusions which may be of your interest: The Canary Islands increase offer to their main destinations. Lanzarote The number of seats offered by the airlines from Lanzarote airport increased by 22% in…

Spanish Airport Traffic evolution – August 2013 Airports

Aena has published the statistics related to the Spanish Airports between January and August 2013. You can find a copy of the spreadsheet here. It shows detail on the traffic evolution at each airport. The file has two tabs at the bottom left corner: one with the figures for the month of August and the other one with overall data between January and August. Each tab shows three tables with detail on passengers, operations and cargo respectively.It is worth noting that Barcelona is in August, for the first time, the airport leading the ranking for passengers in Spain, after all the summer…

Foreign tourism anticipates a record year Airports

Despite the bad start of the year and the poor expectations based on flight bookings, the beginning of the high season (July to September) anticipates a record year in hotel occupancy and income thanks to the foreign tourism.A key for this change to happen is the strength of our three big source markets (the United Kingdom, Germany and France) which bring 55% of the foreign tourism. The first data handled by entrepreneurs indicate unprecedented occupancy rates since the start of the financial crisis. The expected rates would be over 80% in August in five out of the 6 major touristic regions…

Swissport Spain calls for an indefinite time strike Airports,Handling

According to the media, Swissport Spain calls for an indefinite time strike after lack of agreement with Swissport Spain. This strike would be as from 10th August and according to the media would affect to Barcelona, Jerez, Almería, Alicante, Málaga, Fuerteventura, Valencia and Madrid cargo terminal with specific calendars, so we suggest contacting your local staff or agents for further clarify.According to the media, Unions say that Swissport is not complying with the agreed CPI increase and the agreed shifts system. On the other hand, media explain how Swissport Handling (which serves Madrid and Lanzarote airports) reached an agreement with UGT and USO Unions but not with CCOO (the other main union). Source: http://www.finanzas.com/  

Four out of the ten most profitable Spanish airports are in the Canaries Airports

After the huge investment during the last years in the Spanish airport net there are three terminals which are closed, four have no scheduled flights and other twelve which hardly have planes.Out of the 42 airports managed by Aena, only 10 are profitable and 4 out of them are in the Canaries. Tenerife South is leading this profitable airport list. The most updated information from the Ministry of Public Works (Fomento) is of 2011 when Tenerife South got a profit for 24.98 million euros, Gran Canaria obtained 22.93 million and Lanzarote 8.67 million. Fuerteventura finished that year with a balance for 1.21 million euros. In the contrary, La Palma lost…

Traffic evolution in the Spanish Airports Airports,FC Tools

Traffic evolution

Balearic Islands:Palma airport: As explained by Aena it has reached the highest amount of passengers for a month of Jun in its history: 2,956,506 people. This means an increase by 1.3% with regard to June 2012.As for January-June 2013, Palma has increased passengers by 0.8% reaching the amount of 9,284,504.It is worth mentioning the increase of traffic from the Russian Federation (26%), from Sweden (10.9%), from Norway (8.4%), from the UK (5.9%) and from Germany (8.3%).Ibiza airport: Aena informed that has also reached historic figures for the month of June, with 852,031 people. This supposes an increase by 6.8% against June 2012.January-June 2013 confirm an increase…

Swissport Employees call a strike starting 25Jun Handling

Strike of Swissport employees

According to Expansión.com Unions have called all Swissport Employees for a strike in Madrid and Lanzarote in protest at working conditions and salaries.Stops at Madrid airport have been scheduled as follows:28Jun, 30Jun and 01Jul: H24 05Jul, 07Jul and 08Jul: from 08:30 to 11:30 and from 18:00 to 21:00.With regard to Lanzarote, stops have been called for:02Jul and 09Jul: from 08:00 to 11:00 and from 15:00 to 19:00.04Jul and 11Jul: from 08:00 to 12:00 and from 16:00 to 23:59 (as it is clarified in EuropaPress).These stops will coincide with the ones called in Swissport Spain—formerly Flightcare—at Barcelona, Alicante, Málaga, Jerez, Almería, Fuerteventura and ValenciaThe schedule of the strike…