Following to ABC’s news of yesterday, AENA has published a press release confirming the agreement reached with the airlines that contains the following points:
• The agreement provides an update of rates increase for the next five years (2014-2018). In particular, the document says:
– 2014: CPI + 1 point
– 2015: CPI + 3 points
– 2016, 2017 and 2018: CPI + 4 points
• The agreement sets 1st of March as the effective date for annual revision. Consequently this increase will not affect to January and February 2014.
• The reduction of fee for Passenger on Connecting flights will be increased gradually fm 20% to 40% until 2016.
Sources from AENA confirm to this office that following schedule will be applied:
– 2014: 30%
– 2015: 35%
– 2016, 2017 and 2018: 40%
• The agreement also includes a review of cargo rates in the following items:
– Increase of Bonus from 50% to 100% on cargo fee for connecting flights
– New bonus of 50% on cargo fee for international flights.
In addition, sources from AENA have confirmed to this office that PMR’s fee will not be changed.
With regard to F factor and in continuation with our post, there is nothing confirmed yet by AENA at this respect. Source: AENA AEROPUERTOS, S.A.
AENA clarifies Airport charges increases