Summer 2014 available through our Airport Stats

Aiirport Statistics by Flight Consulting-Summer 2014-Summer 2013-Winter 2013-Winter 2014

The Summer 2014 has already started slot wise.

If you want to check the new operators, who increased or decreased traffic, who opened new routes or closed some others, please visit our Customized Airport Statistics where we have just uploaded data on the Summer 2014 flights scheduled in all the Spanish airports.

Should you are interested in using this tool you can create your account through this form.

The Flight Consulting airport statistics are a really powerful and sophisticated tool which is capable of producing reports, as accurate as you wish, to analyse the Spanish airport data.

Airlines operating, destinations where they operate, traffic volume of an airline to a route, traffic growths or losses, peak times or days, etc. In some seconds you can obtain a reply to every question you always wanted to ask. Through a series of combined queries, you can perform researchs and learn about the Spanish Airports very thoroughly to end up achieving an amazing and valuable amount of information.