Airport Statistics:
We are delighted to announce that your customized tool to analyse the Spanish Aviation industry through the Airport Statistics is now available
If you are reading this from any of these airlines and have not registered yet, you just need to take the following 3 simple steps:
1.- In the current window, click on Suscribe / New User as in the image below.
2. Fill in the form. We will get your new user and will upgrade your account so that you can have access to the Airport Statistics. Very shortly, we will send you a message confirming that this action has been already taken.
3. Enter your user and password to access the Airport statistics any time you wish and… Enjoy!
For those clients who had already registered all your accounts have been upgraded so you are now ready to sign in and try this new tool.
If you have any difficulties, just let us know.
This post has been updated in August 2014, in accordance with the new shape of our web site.